Cruise on sailing ship Borkumriff II 1982 from Poland to Grenada

Today, civilization is still lost in many parts of the world. As many as 32 countries remain in armed conflict.
So our idea of NO WAR makes great sense.

Several months! Almost six months it took! The first approach in the US, and then in Poland. Trials, tests, waiting again. And we succeeded, although only half-heartedly. We recovered some of the data from one drive, but not from the other. We didn't put everything into the cloud. Why? Now our explanations won't change anything. Well, because what do we have in our defense? The fact that because of the size of movie files (in 4K format) and the hassle of transferring them, we sometimes allowed ourselves to transfer them to the cloud? By the way, we would also add that we managed to drown the only drone we had on our yacht in the Atlantic Ocean.
What we were able to recover from the damage to our two disks, we present to you in our video, in a somewhat truncated version, without the materials and conversations we irretrievably lost. But we believe that we managed to preserve the spirit and message of our NO WAR idea. So we present to you the entire first stage of the NO WAR expedition. From Poland, through France, England, Spain, the Canary Islands, the Cape Verde Islands, all the way to Caribbean Grenada. During this trip, we met and talked with people who, like us, care about the idea of a world without war. Let the citizens of the world, ordinary people, but also politicians not forget that peace is not given once and for all.
We committed our own funds to the idea, our yacht Borkumriff II, assembled a crew and set off on a journey that has no end, just as people's efforts to maintain peace should have no end. As ambassador of our mission, we chose a widely known for his fight for his civilian freedom, and therefore for personal peace - Slawek Sikora, now an entrepreneur, philanthropist and journalist. We all know his story of fighting for freedom. He knew how, he knew how to convince journalists, politicians, artists and, above all, a huge number of ordinary people, to fight justly for his freedom. For freedom and for the peace that was due to him. And this was happening at a time when social media did not yet exist.
We started with Poland, a country afflicted by the turbulence of history, a country that lost its independence for decades. Who, if not us, has the right to talk about what evil wars bring? And they bring death, hunger, suffering and destruction. In the name of what? In the name of an illusory sense of power? In the name of realizing sick ambitions, the interests of small groups of influence, momentary political interests? And who decides this? Politicians sitting in comfortable armchairs? Global business? The military lobby?
No matter how great the profits are from investing in wars, there is no excuse for the losses they cause! For politicians and big business, war and fighting is an abstraction that they don't really experience. They see rising or falling support bars or rising or falling account receipts. And who experiences wars the most? Soldiers? It's not so obvious, because there is a group that suffers more during wars! And let the numbers speak now!
During the six years of World War II, according to various estimates, about 80 million people died. Of this number, 55 million were victims not directly involved in the fighting. This is the number of civilian casualties! This emphatically shows that the group that suffers the greatest losses as a result of wars are civilians. This is ⅔ of all the victims of war. Poland lost its independence for many years. The wars made Poland, as a sovereign and independent country, non-existent for almost 150 years, from 1772 to 1918! Only after the end of World War I did Poland regain its independence. But not for long. In 1939, Poland again lost its independence as a result of the aggression of Germany and the USSR. The occupation lasted until 1945, and we could say that Poland regained it again as a result of the end of World War II.
We could, but we won't say! Because it wasn't until 1993, when the last Russian soldier left its borders, that Poland became fully independent again.
Our cruise, our voyage around the world, our idea of no-war, is a manifesto against all the wars we are fighting. Wars for resources, for profits, for energy, data, raw materials and lands. Wars born of the stupidity of hatred and greed.
NO WAR - no more war!

54°31'40.7"N 18°31'11.7"E
A special place in Europe. Most of the wars fought over the centuries swept through this territory. The last of the scourges was German and Russian totalitarianism.
Gdańsk - Gdynia
The site of the unleashing of the greatest armed conflict in the history of mankind. World War II.

49°21'47.2"N 0°50'50.3"W
A country of culture and also the country that has fought the most victorious battles in history.
Omaha Beach
The site of the first clash between Allied forces and the fascist German army in mainland Western Europe during World War II.

50°48'42.7"N 1°05'33.5"W
England - Portsmouth
Miejsce schronienia dla polskich powstańców listopadowych z 1830 roku. Po zdławieniu powstania przez zaborców przybyli do Anglii Polacy, założyli w Portsmouth powstańczą organizację wspierającą idee walki o wolność.

43°21'45.8"N 8°23'38.1"W
A country marked by internal wars and power struggles (including a civil war instigated by General Franco).
It was here that the idea of a Spanish Inquisition (not to be confused with the Church Inquisition) subordinate to the Spanish crown was born, focusing on the conversions of Jews and Muslims. An example was the forced baptism of Moors in Castile in the fifteenth century.
La Coruña
It witnessed bloody battles between Napoleon's occupying army and the British expeditionary corps. It is just one of the sites and one of the episodes of the Spanish War of Independence.

28°08'25.2"N 15°25'26.6"W
Canary Islands
It is now a paradise for tourists, and previously a place of barbaric activities of the white man. After the discovery of these islands, Europeans almost completely exterminated the local population.

16°53'22.9"N 24°59'39.4"W
Cape Verde Islands
It's almost a schoolyard example of bloody, centuries-long domination, which eventually leads to the total extermination of the local population. When the Islands finally freed themselves from European political influence in 1982, the indigenous islanders were no longer here.

12°02'39.0"N 61°44'58.9"W
For hundreds of years, the island was exploited by British colonial rulers. Entangled in the 1960s in the dangerous worldwide conflict between the USSR and the United States over Cuba. Even after independence, a place of bloody internal unrest.
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