Nasz rejs, nasza podróż dokoła świata, nasza idea NO WAR, to manifest przeciw wszelkim wojnom jakie toczymy. Wojnom o zasoby, o zyski, o energię, dane, surowce i ziemie. Wojnom zrodzonym z głupoty nienawiści i chciwości.

Our cruise is a symbol of freedom and strength. The strength that each of us has within ourselves. The strength through which together we can change our surroundings.

In the nature of man, in our nature, is written an animal desire to fight, to conquer, to dominate others. Most often at the expense of human life.

This applies to all societies scattered around the world.

So the history of mankind - is also, and some say mainly, the history of wars, aggression, the desire to dominate, the cult of violence and physical force. 

The reason for glory has always been the conquest of territories not one's own, the subjugation of foreign peoples, the imposition of one's own beliefs, power, ideology or religion on other societies by force. 

But man has also created a civilization that seeks to weaken or even remove these primitive needs. 

Civilization seeks to encapsulate human aggression into the framework of international agreements, supranational legislation, ethical precepts, humanitarian decency and building universal disapproval of displays of barbarism..

Rejs NO WAR działa na rzecz zwycięstwa tak funkcjonującej cywilizacji. 

Let's be aware of the fact that our civilization is losing in many parts of this globe right now. Should we look at it with folded hands? Can we be sure that barbarism will not reach us and destroy our peace of mind? 

Let's be aware that barbarism can also appear at our borders at any time. In Europe, we have been feeling it on our own skin for more than a year now. All rules worked out by European societies for centuries have again been violated with full force.


The places we reach with our expedition remind us of the infamous moments when civilization lost to the primitive nature of man. Let this be a memento for all of us. 

Mamy nadzieję, że choć w minimalnym wymiarze nasza idea NO WAR przyczyni się do zwrócenia uwagi na ten oczywisty fakt, że cywilizacja może przegrać, jeżeli nie będziemy stale i z poświęceniem walczyli o jej pryncypia.

NO WAR – nigdy więcej wojny!

Wojciech Dmochowski
Sławomir Sikora

He is the protagonist of one of the most notorious criminal events that practically all of Poland lived by years ago. His story was publicized primarily by the now cult film "The Debt", directed by Krzysztof Krauze. Recently, the further fate of Slawomir Sikora in the film "My Debt" could also be traced on cinema screens.

Pardoned by Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski after serving 10 of his 25-year sentence for the murder of his persecutor, he decided to radically change the parameters of his life. He converted to Catholicism. He gave up business and began a lively charity work on behalf of people incarcerated in Polish prisons. In numerous media appearances in the press, radio, television and on the Internet, he became an ardent spokesman for changes in the Polish penitentiary system. He has also published two books in which he describes his story before and mainly during his sentence. He paints a bleak picture of Polish prisons. He points out its main flaws.

There is a distinct quality in everything he does. Slawomir Sikora thirsts for freedom for himself and for others whom he wishes to come to the aid of. Freedom is the main driver of his actions. He sees in his love of freedom the fundamental characteristic of humanity.

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